This is my review about the product of vicks
So as every indians know that how the vicks has become part of our life during cold.
So as same as
Its inhaler has also helps togive me relief from sticky amd closed nose.
As winter comes o bought one inhaler of vicks, generally it comes with a kicthain chain so I can use it where ever I go with my bike.
So it has helped me a lot of times during my cold.
Because no medicines can clean your nose instantly or can give relief but when I have use this it has helped me a lot anf further more its smell is so nice that some how I get addicted to it lol!
Its price is nominal of 35 Rs/
Which is easily affordable or if I lost my inhaler then I can buy easily that thing.
As it is giving quick effect on my closed nose due to cold.
So this is my review hope it will help someone.
Thank you.