My son was going to Vidyarambh play school in green glen layout when we were staying in shobha. One of the worst day cares I have seen in Bangalore.
You cannot trust the management, we were paying quarterly and were told that if our son cant come then the same can be transferred to other center for future months. We were aware that we will shift the house and hence our son will not complete all 6 months here. We have lost hard earned 10000 rupees because we just went by the words of management.
When we were leaving, management totally refused that there was any such promise. I understand it was our mistake to have verbal trust and not keep anything in writing. ALso, the way school operates, you cant see what is going inside, reason they give is the kids will start crying, not good enough or logical for me. Now my son is going to your kids are our kids and I can see the difference, Such openness, moment you enter the center, you can see your kid and activities.
Would not recommend vidyarambh, specifically the one in green glen layout to anyone, I am sure many of us will still join as it might be close to our house and some might actually like it.