This is to inform you that Vigneshwara Developers without any prior information to its customer stopped the payment of the PDC for the month of March 2014. On enquiry with its customer care dept.
I was informed that it was due to the defaulting of Service Tax payment by the builder & the clients were requested to clear the one time payment to the Service Tax authorities at the earliest so that the Builder could release the new cheque for the month of March 14 & subsequently other PDCs for the FY 2014-15 will be released but in spite of our making prompt payment of our portion of the Service Tax Builder has so far failed to issue any PDCs to its clients. It is a gross violation of the Terms & Conditions of the Agreement signed between the buyer & the builder.
I understand that over Rs. 1000/- crores have been mismanaged by the Management of this group. Some of the investors like me have invested our Retirement funds in this FRAUD company.
It is requested with the Judiciary of our country to kindly look into this fraud and take suitable action to get back the investors hard earned money. All the property & assets of this group should be forfeited & auctioned to recover the investors money.