Come party time and people are all around your house. Ladies, Gentlemen, relatives, friends, their companions and there relatives along with their kith and kin, all are up for a major-major feast. And being a host you are as glad as you should be to invite them whole-heartedly and make a name for yourself by serving them with the best of foodstuff. Aloo ke parathe, Palak Paneer, Kulchas, Masala filled dishes, Paneer Jalfrizies and what not. Everything that’ll keep the taste buds bouncing around while the dish plates and utensils lead a time of stained sorrow.
Once the party is over and the guests gone, though they leave a great amount of presentations behind, they do leave unwashed plates and vessels for you to blink as to how you are going to clean them up. I can understand if there are no nails left for you to bite. Well, this sorrow state arises after every party, if there is no servant maid at your place or at least a dishwasher. Not that the dishes aren’t washable, but how effectively the stains are removed is a matter of concern. This is where Vim Bar can be put to the best of uses.
Manufactured by the one and only Hindustan Lever Ltd., the Vim Bar, is probably the only Dishwash Bar that provides for a superior washing. The unique quality of Vim Bar is that it is equipped with a lot of lime that act as “Stain Cutters” and removes all kinds of “Masala-filled” stains from the dishes. Now another reason why Vim is so effective is credited to the fact that a little bit of Vim has enough froth in it to wipe off all the stains on the dishes.(By dishes, I mean the vessels)
For anything to perform in the best of fashions and provide with the greatest of results, a proper technique is to be followed. The Vim is no different. So here is the perfect way to get the best of your Vim Bar.
Firstly, have all the dishes inside the basin and fill the basin with water. Let the stains loosen up. Then, take out one by one and sprinkle water on the dish. Take a nylon scrubber (Nylon scrubber is the most preferred one, but even Scotch Brite would do) and firstly scrub the dish with it. Now take a little bit of Vim in the scrubber and rub it with the utensil to generate froth. Along with the froth, neatly scrub out all the stains present in the dish. Leave the rest for the stain-cutters to take care. After this, again wash the dish thoroughly without any froth and voila!! You’ve got a shining washed vessel/dish ready.
The performance of Vim is unquestionably wonderful. Vim shows its full effect on stainless steel vessels by making those vessels sparkle like anything. It is certainly unique for Vim, for I haven’t seen a dish wash bar that can restore shine so well. But there is one sore aspect. If you happen to keep the Vim Bar in a wet condition, it swashing ability decreases because moisture creeps in. Another sore point is that the Vim Bar is not so friendly on your hands. But if you wish to have your vessels sparkled you definitely ought to compromise on something at least.
Ultimately, it is Vim Bar that proves to be your best weapon against stubborn dish stains. What is special in Vim Bar is its ability to generate a lot of froth for just a small amount of it and remove the toughest of stains. Priced very nominally at just 7 rupees for a 200 g bar, the Vim Bar proves to be your best choice around. Stop worry about after-party blues if you have a Vim Bar on hand.