Yesterday it was a Sunday morning , my milkman came woke me up at 7.00am (* 7am on Sunday is a real irritation , many times I thought of stopping him. but for Sunday he is my best alarm for all other weekdays.). As usual I kept the milk over my stove , took my toothbrush and went out in my corridor, as I walked I slowly entered the terrace . Terrace is a real taboo for me in weekdays , mornings will be enough only for bath and moving to office , even if I wake up early , as there are no of ladies around my building I dont want to disturb them by going to terrace . ( c mom yar somebody pat me* ).
comming back to the Sunday , I went to terrace, to my surprise my ground floor girl was hanging the clothes for drying. we saw for a moment then I turned to come down .zzing suddenly hearing this sound I turned back to see the string on which she was drying the clothes had got cut and fell down. she looked pathetic .
now the real boy in me woke up, I sympathized her, helped her to collect the clothes, took some circus breathtaking stunts to tie down the string back to position. she hanged rest of her clothes , I stood there .... ....... c mon to watch whether the string is strong enough.
after finishing all the clothes she told a THANKS with a glitter in the eyes.till then neither of us had spoken a word. wowwwwwwwww I was the happiest person , just thanking the luck for the past 30 minutes I entered my room. I was welcomed by a burnt smell. ooooooooops I had forgotten that I had kept the milk over the stove?????/\\. inside the kitchen the dark brown milk vessel and some milk running all over the kitchen slab were staring at me .
for me , I always disliked the washing the vessel, it was my last priority in the job ( *hope all bachelors are like me ). *now cursing myself of how this dark vessel is going to upset me for rest of the day , I cleaned the spillovers , soaked the vessel in water. its 8 0 clock and no coffee added to the hunger, i went to the food mart to get a loaf of whole wheat bread.
as I was passing thru the counter I saw this VIM DISH WASHER LIQUID. it was attractive, staring at it for a moment I took it in my hand and read its claim that it will remove stains just like that. I was about to pick that , then my own indianness propped up and asked what the hell u r to buy at 75 rs? I dropped and moved , a sales person came to me and told that the washer is a damn good one . seeing my reluctance he offered me two sample packets of 15 ml and told me sir please use this and see , I am sure u will comeback and buy .
I was happy b coz first I have got something free , more importantly this product had been claimed as a medicine to my dear " MISS BROWNIE" .( I* had named my dark vessel as MISS BROWNIE after the morning encounter).* I rushed back with my bread and a milk packet , having my stomach full I slowly turned to my MISS BROWNIE .
I opened the sample pack poured few drops in a small cup of water. ( as instructed in pack). first of all the aroma is very good , I was fed up of the greasy smell of all washing soaps. the smell the VIM is refreshing . I mixed the concentrate drops and water in the bowl. immersed my scotch brite and just applied all over my MISS BROWNIE. reaction???? absolutely nothing . except some small relief . now i poured three drops of concentrate over all my MISS BROWNIE. waited for two minutes . ( as instructed in pack).
i passed my scotch brite over my lady and , god!!!!!!!!!11111 whats I am seeing ? yes the whole black was just comming out as though I am wiping a glass.its fantastic and my fingers ran over My MISS very quickly . after three minutes of thorough roughening , I put bowl under tap . it came out fantastic . I could see my stainless steel shining , it seemed to me that MY MISS BROWNIE is smiling at me and the glitter was far superior than the one I saw in the morning from my ground floor girls smile.
now I was in full flow , I cleaned all my other utensils with the diluted mix in the bowl. believe me all the vessels got cleaned and there was a sparkle which I had never seen before.
toady iabove my sink a bottle of VIM DISH WASHER LIQUID welcomes me with a warm smile whenever I enter the kitchen...............................................................
i will brief out some points of the product
COST - AFFORDABLE particularly considering the utility .
MY SUGGESTION - you can go and buy this product , it will very useful for a bachelor , and I am sure for a working woman . for family men ( boss if your wife is housewife , just give her some exercise by not using VIM DISH WASHER or give her a surprise and shut her mouth from bragging too much about household chores).
note:- my earlier plan was that I will show my wife about the mouth shut reviews , now after re reading this review , I dont know what to do? how she will take this ?. as such i am planning that I will show her this review only when I am confident of her ability to digest the humor part of this incident and how wise !!!I I had become in mastering some skills in cleaning .
what do you say my friends?????????/