There was a time when cleaning utensils was time consuming, leaving behind soap marks and fishy smell. But since VIM DISH WASH LIQUID came in the market my wife has not used any other cleaning agent to clean utensils . At times when I help her with cleaning dishes even I have experienced the easiness in cleaning vessels with the aid of VIM LIQUID. Vim liquid leaves the freshness of lemons on vessels and makes utensils absolutely oil and grease free. Being non-vegetarian vim liquid is of great aid in getting rid of fishy smell from vessels.
This product is easy to use and plus very less quantity of the liquid is sufficient to give you wonderful results. Those time consuming, boring hours of washing vessels have now become fun hours due to vim liquid. It does not leave whitish soap marks on the utensils when they get dry. It gives nice shining finishing to vessels leaving behind freshness of lemons.
I strongly recommend VIM DISH WASH LIQUID to all for cleaning your utensils.