As all of us know... so far there were only three World Wars .Ok ok I will take out that word only from that phrase .But its not very far that there will be a third World war too. Hope that day never comes what all we can do is keep our fingers crossed hoping for peace and harmony!!!
U know what were the causes for the outbreak of World War I???
How many should I list out there were a no. of list out a few of the immediate causes =the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophia by a Bosnian Serb was the main reason and by that time Austria and Serbia were already enemies...Austria blamed Serbia though Bosnia was responsible .
So there was a war between Austria and Serbia and Germany supported Austria and declared war on Russia and France declared a war on Germany .Germany attacked Belgium and violated its neutrality .England too entered and declared war against Germany.poor Germany, attacked and got attacked, ultimate looser.Isnt it??
Confusing isnt it? That is what leads to war. misunderstandings and confusions, just the assassination of two people lead to war, a big war, and the World War!!!
For which billions of innocent people lost their lives ...poor people I thank God that I wasnt born at that time.
And same is the case in the II World War. The causes for the outbreak of the war were that the humiliating treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds of II War. Its provisions hurt Germany and Italy. And so the Germans and Italians took revenge. All the Europeans countries took part too.
And you know who Hitler was I bet all of us know about him.He was the dictator of Germany exactly say like Komolika or Mohini from Star Pluss serials, who take advantages from peoples misunderstandings and stuff and same was the case with Hitler he took advantages of the discontentment of Germany caused by the treaty of Versailles .His opposition of Jews and parliamentary system attracted people towards him.
And he was the main person who is responsible for the outbreak of World War II. Actually his attack on Poland precipitated world war II, but what did he gain?Nothing but he had to do susite finally .He killed himself , his girl friend and even his dog
Ultimately who was the looser. The innocent people .about half a crore of people were killed on both sides, one crore people were injured and another one crore were killed in air raids and naval operations
And u know what will be the outbreak of III world war if the things keep going on the same phase
War between America and Iraq which already had happened which left Iraq handicapped ...One more attack and that will be the end of Iraq I guess, hoping it shouldnt be?we talk about America , Iraq .we talk about peace and harmony. Do we really imply it in our lives??? What are we good for???
Even our own country India had three wars so far with Pakistan and many more yet to go hope it will not, we try to be friends with Pakistan but are we friends within our own country??? Is it necessary to keep fighting which is of no use, simply a waste of time, waste of money and most important waste of lives ?cant we live peacefully ??? We can and we will only if we try to do so!!!
Ok ok I know its easy to talk about it and I know we arent fighting with anyone as an individual it is the whole country which does it, ok tell me how many of us doesnt have an enemy??? I bet 8 of 100...and the rest 92 have enemies ..felt very sorry to hear it buddies even our religions teaches us one who doesnt forgives others will not be forgiven .so open your eyes at least now and that will not only help in unity of the world but it will also help us hereafter ..I mean on the Day of Judgment .
Hoping all of us live peacefully in the World and there after and about World War III, hope such day never comes!!!!