In the desktop markets, Vintron has made quite a name for itself.
I have vintron@home series which though little over priced was not up to the mark with its performance.
Since I am a power user the PC I purchased was a 700Mhz Intel P!!!, 10GB HDD, 15Monitor, 64MB RAM, MMKit with a printer free.
The HDD of fujitsu make is not upto standards expected, and has resulted in many hitches.
64MB RAM provided is substandard, not of a reputed manufacturer, infact I dont even know who the manufacturer is.
The 15 monitor, looks and feels like a 14 monitor with a big frame and has many glitches like many black spots on the screen and the screen too is disoriented, call to the agencies and dealers to rectify did not have any results.
The mouse is pathetic, single click leads to a double click, click and drag makes the drag fallout in between, etc. Change of mouse from the dealer gave the same results, infact it was more unreliable, making me settle for the one that I had received.
The printer provided is slow and an outdated Canon model, the time I purchased it.
The keyboard is okay, with multimedia keys, though a remote would have been a better offer.
CDROM is satisfactory.
The end result is that as compared to other branded desktops, the compatibility is pathetic.
There is a big communication gap between the dealer and manufacturer, leading to a unsatisfied customer like me.