this movie is very good this thing is very good
many thing did in this movie this is a action and comedy movie this is not showing politics this is about attitude there ar gay who have a simple life he doing a good jobs but the is a women she has money, she is rich. and the last they both gone friends
the performens was good the actres and the actor perform good
the actress is kajol and the actor is dhanush the did a good work
every part of this movie is very good thats the resons why the movie hits
the team of this movie did good work
musics of movie is good
the music dosent work very good but it is good in the musics the ar some comedy the performens of music was good
the music ar super hit on youtube
on the cinematography they did hard work they did lot attention on editing of this movie the director was very good for this movie in the whole movie the action of this movie was very good there ar so kind of skills on fighting and I love the fighting of this movie most attractive fighting sence is the kick of dhanush