Before you read if you think you will get irratated with this review then my saying is true...
World is full of 97.96 percent fools
Abbe Bhaag was a pateint he was dying in pain... fewer moments of his life was left.... he was on muncipalitys bed. then suddenly he woke up ... and started to jump.... Abbe Bhaag ko kya hoaa? we started to wonder...
He took a stick broke the TV and jumped from the window of ground floor.
RAM Naam Satya ho
Bechara... he was sufferring form Shewagophobia....
he so much relied on shewag that his pateice made him a pateint and last time he saw the TV when Shewag was out on ZERO.
Yeh Sardaroon ke shaan mein gustaki hai jiska naam Shewag...
jahan dekha ball wahan lapka aur hath mein detha hai ..catch
What is wrong with this guy? and y the hell is the board not aware of his bad performance.. ?
this should not be happening when talented people are still out...
shewag is good for
well I would rather like to see him do the role of villian... like Kalia/jaadia/gatia/chu**ya etc....
Do something shewag Bhai about your tummy ...or balloon like phaat jayega....
-Panga! na Liyo...