I am really happy that I travelled by Virgin Atlantic this time. I came from Bombay via London to New York and everything was perfect. The flight took off right on time from Bombay and the stopover at London was good. Though I would have preferred more time for shopping, the check in and the security check at London took alot of time though it was not the airlines fault.
The airhostesses on both the flights were good. They were very helpful. There was a very old Gujrati lady travelling from Bomay to London all be herself. I was impressed by the way they talked to her, helped her and escorted her.
Later at New York, there was a coupe who did not know a word of english. They were travelling from Ahmedabad to New York via London by Virgin Atlantic. I was the unofficial translator for them as the manknew hindi. The airlines people were very polite and patient with them/
On the first leg, i.e , from Bombay to London the food was typically indian and from London to New York there was Hindu food, jaon food, chinese etc and people could choose.
I was impressed by the airlines. I have travelled so much all over the world in different airlines but this was the first time that I travelled by this and liked it a lot.