Second BigB movie, I watched a week late :( due to its Singapore Late Release.
But I am happy since I could watch Sarkar last week :)
It was a long week wait for VIRUDDH, and I must say it was worth it.
I maintain that Mahesh Manjrekar can direct a movie, I was not ready
to accept that a guy who can give us VASTAV, is not capable of direction.
I agree that he directed some of the most crappy movies in the past.
But you know what (I hope he also knows this by now), Mahesh Manjrekars
forte is Intense movies. The way this guy shows Family, I dont think even
Chopras or Johars can depict.
Manjrekars family seems so real.
Manjrekars family problems seem so real.
Manjrekars family having fun seems so real.
And on top of all this if you can convince Amitabh Bachchan to act,
what more do you want.
Another thing I must mention about, Manjrekars direction is,
he knows it man he knows it soo well to bring
BAD COPS or BAD GUYS onscreen.
I mean look at Sachin Khedekars Entry scene in the police station.
The way he gets down the Jeep, the way puts his Tummy inside
the police wardi, and just while casually entering the
police station asks a Hawaldar Aye Pet Andar le chal ;)
I like these small small scenes. (dont blame me)
Like I said I loved Amitabhs entry in Khakee.
Look at how the cops behave in the police station with
Anusha Dandekar (Amitabhs Bahu)
Look at the encounter scene of two innocent guys.
I mean so many directors show Bad Cops but again
Mahesh Manjrekars Bad Cops look so real :)
But still Its Amitabh Bachchan All the way. Somebody rightfully said
Put him any garb, throw him into any place,
ask him to play any character, show him any script
and this 65+ year old still rocks! You would have the
answer if you saw the actor performing a Ganesh aarti in the film.
If you still dont have the answer,
Watch him in
Every Family scene in the First Half of the Film.
(Anusha Dandekar London return says in tuti-futi Hindi
Main Coffee Banata hun, and immediately BigB says
Thik hain, phir main card batati hun) :))
Watch him when he gets angry and goes to
Sanju Baba to stop making noise in his Garage.
Watch him when he wears that monkey cap of his :)
(look at the chemistry between Husband and wife Sharmila Tagore)
I cannot choose Amitabh & Jaya or Amitabh & Hema or Amitabh & Sharmila
Just Imagine BIG IF Amitabh & Rekha who is Better :)
Common factor just one obvious Amitabh.
Watch him when he looks at Mrs.Goswami Jogging in the Park.
Watch him when John Abraham Brings his Girl Friend from London home :)
Watch him when he looks at Sachin Khedekar sitting in the Jail (His Eyes says it all)
Watch him when he tries to forget his sons death sitting in the park by Laughing (AMAZING)
Watch him when Sanju Baba and Gang make fun of Amitabh
and he comes home complaining to Sharmila about Sanju Baba :)) :)) :))
Watch him, just Watch AMITABH BACHCHAN,
so that you tell your children 20 years from now, that Indian Cinema
had an Actor, and we were soo fortunate to have him.
Sharmila Tagore, one real mother, the look is so contemporary,
Wrinkles no ambitious make-up to look good onscreen, just a middle class
mother (Lot of actress cannot do that). hats off , she has done a magnificiant job,
I am happy that she has not lost touch of camera.
Sanju Baba brings so much to the movie by his presence, I cannot tell you
(you will have to watch him),
The way he acts when Sharmila Hits him with a stick :( like a little child. :))
I remembered one of my friends Mom use to come on or
Cricket Ground with Stick in her hand, to hit our dear friend.
There is lot being said about Advertising some products
in this movie. But Frankly speaking only one product seems ODD
Western Union Money Transfer All other produts are handled well.
At the end of the movie, somehow, I had just one feeling,
The subject was so Mahesh Manjrekar style but still
I couldnt get another Vastav from him :(
I wanted more Gripping scenes in the second half,
I wanted more intense scenes in the second half.
The Story had Lot of scope to add in so much more Drama and he had
Amitabh Bachchan with him.
But nevertheless, I enjoyed the experience.