I went to Virumandi the very first day, with a very high expectation.. bcau there exist a huge hipe in the market bout the movie.
Actually, the story looks to be touching several subject finally not conveying the bottom line. Kamal has tried to show 1. the community problems in a village, 2. His deep love story 3. The realities happening in a prison 4. his views against sentence to death
But finally, he has not stressed on any of the subjects.. leading to a confusion in peoples mind at the end. Film is designed with a moral for the village people but taken for the modern society. If a villager enters the movie 15 minutes after the start, he will not understand head to tail of the movie :)
The positives of the movie: Kamal has performed very well and infact made all the cast to act well. Ilayarajas music is too good.. The picturisation is good.. The movie moves with full interest bcaus everyone are eager to know the bits and pieces left out in each flashbac...
As usual many characters are not given proper importance except Kamal and the villan. Nasar, Rajesh, Napolean are all not properly utilized to their full... Lot of bits and pieces in flashbac..
Okay, to start with the story: The hero and the villan are in the prison when they are asked to reveal their story in front of a camera. The villan starts the flashbac with a different angle.. picturising Kamal as a person who does not know to control his emotions.. he gives an idea to the viewers that he caused several community problems, he is very arrogant, a drunkard... The villan does not complete the entire flashbac... then the hero starts his flashbac.. he says the other side of the same incidents.. showing justice from his side.. and explaining the cunning character of the villan... he says more bout his love, his marriage... and suddenly he too stops the flash bac...
Now, the story continues and the reporter occassionaly gets a chance to shoot the dialogue between the jailer and some gundas in the jail. They actually convey the message to the viewers that Kamal has not done the real mistake. The police on seeing the reporter shooting this, tries to catch them. He gets the heros help for this, promising him the villans life for getting the recorded tape.
In this mean time, the hero again goes bac to the flashback thinking of how his lover committed suicide and how he was brought to jail. Further, in reality he tries to catch the reporter... realizes that the video recording is for his good... then saves them.. parallelly the villan dies in the commossion...
Thats the story in brief..The movie is in bits and pieces similar to my explanation of the story :))