Vizag as it is famously known is a nice city with a beautiful beach and an excellent climate.
It is quidistant from 3 metros namely chennai, cyberabad oops hyderabad and Kolkata.
Its beautiful beachline is a wonderful site to see. It is nothing but pure joy to see bay of bengal from its shoreline.
Vizag is also famous for its industries and the state and central governments take equal interest in developing them
The highways are also good as it forms a key junction for coastal transportation along the east coast
It has some excellent hotels including Taj
You can easily get around in a car and has some quite nice places to travel around in
It is nice for people loving serene atmosphere. Mostly nice for nature loving consevative people as it does not have fast moving metro life, all for good.
The eastern ghats that flank Vizag is just wonderful and is a treat for hiking and trekking lovers and enthusiasts
Bavikonda , Tatlakonda , Mangamaripeta, Erramattidibbalu, Rishikonda are some of the exceptional site seeing wonders it offers.
I would be failing in my duty if didnt mention the beautiful harbour that is an important factor Indias economy. It is nice one to see and look around.
Do not miss Vizag