I am a graduate from this university. I took 7 years to complete my engineering and this was the worst university I ever have seen. this university has a really bad and awful system called year where if you cant pass more than5 subjects you will fail and will be thrown out for a year. in this time you will feel te true meaning of education system in our country. byhearters and people who goes by illegal ways are treated BEST by vtu. I lost 3 years by tbis crappy system. I had jaundice and typhoidwhen I was in thirdyear and I even had submitted medical certificate to university and college and came to realize that all they care is money. the university is full of money. and you are their corporate customers, if want to study in this university, let me tell u. u r not a student anymore. u r just their customers. a system which compares a students abilities through simple 3hrs written test is such a waste of all. and university is playing with students life. you will get abandoned, no interesting studies or other activities when you are detained once. you will have to sit with your juniors and all you will feel is blame. both from parents side and from the ones whome with you studied. they will all blame and degrade you just because university STAMPED YOU as a yearback student. I really dont recommend this to any student of any kind. well I guess I forgot to say my marks. I had 63 when I was in first year I had 89 when I was in pu and I had 61 in 2nd year and still a detainee.
the university doesnt have any qualified lecturers in any institute, if byhearting is your motto and your parents are millionairs then and only then choose it. 99% of vtu students are not at all satisfied with this university. remember you are adviced.
over all features of this university: not even listed in top 100 universities in india, no high class labs or materials, no value in any where in the globe and still have a crappy yearback system .