In Short:
This book is story written on In-Vitro Fertilization of unit of the womens Clinic, Massachusetts. They claim and proved their newly established reproductive technologies of the cutting for the fertilization. This book explains in detail about the their technology and techniques.
At the end this women’s clinic is business they are making money by getting control over life. The claiming clinic is just for making/generating billions of dollars…
Story goes like this:
Whole story is around one lady doctor (Marissa) in her early thirties. Marissa is married with handsome businessman. They both want child. After getting clear report from all medical tests regarding the child. They decided to go for fertilization treatment. This treatment is very painful for the every leady patient. After going through few painful rounds of treatments her husbands decided to stop. But she want child. She joins club of all such females going through the painful treatment for sharing experiences. She meets to another lady doctor (Donna) going through the same treatment.
She meets to collage friend who gave interesting article in medical journal about this kind of treatments in Australian Women clinic written by the doctor (Tristan) working in the same clinic. While going through paper and doing analysis on treatment on other patient and medicine given to her and other club member. There is something this people hiding from all patients. Marissa and Donna decide to go and visit Australians women’s clinic and meet Tristan.
When both of them visits to Australia they got shock by going through the other material form the local library on In-Vitro Fertilization treatment and knowing that Tristan left the clinic without any reason. This library reports shows that fertilization rate per patient is decreasing but there is increase in fertilization rate for no of cycles on which these hospitals are focusing on. Then they visit to medical collage and get the address of Tristan. Tristan left that place and now working in remote area, which is almost 400 miles away.
While moving to place where Tristan works. Someone try to kill both of them. Marissa some how manage to survive but she looses the friend Donna forever. This thing again makes Marissa’s mind to find things hidden behind these hospitals about the fertilization treatment.
Marissa meets to Tristan. Both of them visit to other country to find why doctors are imported from this country. There Marissa looses her husband.
After visiting to the local clinics in rural area she finds the answer to her question and realize that this people are behind the money of the patient for generating billions of dollars rather than generating babies.
Finally Marissa finds and open the entire racket. She looses her loving husband and Donna. She got good friend Tristan.
Author maintains the good suspense still the end of story about how this hospitals are operating.