A journey from enagement to marridge is what the film is about and man its the most sweetest film ever made. It shows you how amazing the journey is and why its such a special thing.
Its a bit old fashon but it shows us lots of our culture, the story is amazing I dont know how some people can find it boring this movie you gotta have a heart to love this movie. The connection between the two couple shahid and amrita roa screen chemistry is amazing!
The songs are really good, you feel so sorry for amrita roa in the movie and you always hope she gets the best so when she gets shahid kapoor you are glad she has got someone so sweet! she finally finds happiness after all the stress she gets from her kamini aunty.
Watch out for the firey climax, I never cried so much in the movie esp the hospital scene when shahid visits her really an amazing movie and its a blockbuster