If you are trying to find something on the net, you probably will type in google.com to locate the information. In fact, for most of the net surfers, Google has become synonymous with search. But have you ever tried another search engine called Vivisimo.com? If not, give it a shot. I feel vivisimo.com gives results in a organized format compared to other search engines.
The most impressive feature of Vivisimo.com is that it gives you the clustered results. I typed in my name `Murali Duggineni? and clicked search. It gave me the number of times my name was mentioned on the web (in the form of total results) as well the different sections where it was mentioned (in the form of clustered results). I found this feature very useful. Because if I?m looking for a specific section (say the guest books where I have posted my comments) or the motivating quotes I have submitted to certain sites, I can do so by simply clicking on the section concerned in the clustered results.
This feature eliminates you the pain of checking each result. Vivisimo.com commands an edge over Google and other search engines with its `clustered results.
Try Vivisimo.com once to locate the information you are looking for and let me know whether you agree with me.