My Expernce with Vlcc Rajajinagar is very bad 3 time I joind for wt loss progrem and every time I said I can come only in evening and by 7 and every time they agree on it but always request to come earli, in fact 1 st time its quite ok I used the service but 2 nd time dont ask and 3 rd time with lots of comittment I took extra spical progarm and the expriance is horebal.
while sailing the mambership and product they are addending very nicely and good trained
sales girls but service time some uneducated people sitting on chair they do not know what to reply
and 1 st time the service boy was really god but 3 rd time they gave me person by name Vijay, only story master and good salesman and every sunady appointment he says
sir sorry full day I am booked, so finaly I left the hopes, one more thing is there to share
but I dont want to spoile Vlcc name further as there are good staff also and in salon really good people were also there .