Well I have been an obese victim all my life and tried various diets in
my life - ranging from crash diets to aerobic sessions .but always I
hv a yo yo effect i.e I lost 10 kilos but i gain 20 in the next 6-8 months.
I was lured into vlcc seeing their glossy advertisements, showing
puffed guys turning into hot models and sure I was tempted.
visited the VLCC branch in south end circle bangalore - and as previous
comments says the staff was very very friendly, and I took a long time
to decide on the package .but I must congratulate the marketing sales
girl .for she eventually(by calling me 3 times a day) made sure I
joined .
Finally I enrolled for a 15 kilo prgram in 3-4 months . and lo behold next day I get a session saying
I need to follow a strict diet and also 1 hour of exercise
note: previously with 1 hour of aerobics and good healthy food - I had
lost 15 kilos on my own) so what is the additional benefit I get by
using vlcc -
All through the 3 months all I did was lie down
, the boys would put some massagers / magnetic strips on the entire
body and watch TV - which was kept on the ceiling( kind of cool eh
!) and also regular cellulite massages .
after 3 months
-i hardly lost even a 3 kilos - and finally they blamed saying I was
not following a strict diet( hello! if I were to diet and exercise
by myself - why would I need vlcc) - which I was following -
I finally had to bid adieu to VLCC - being wiser after shelling out 28000 rupees!
my friends -now I hv lost 20 kilose .just by 1 hour of tread mill
per day, lot of protein rich food and less of carbohydrates .and it
has worked tremondously well .
so pls pls pls -do not fall
for VLCC - and all the qualms they say . it is just another money
making company . just that they target the fat guys:)
marketing staff: very good polite in the beginning and once u pay - u r nobody
Boys: poor boys who earn a living talking abt health benefits( I talked to one person and he said they
are given a 2 week training - where they learn things like cellulite, fat, burn, kilo, .etc to please the customers)
Doctors: just try discussing any medical ailment and they will go topsy turvy .
I suggest is internet is the best place to find answers for all your
health problems - so pls pls dont fall in the the ditch known as VLCC