I found out about this Body care by word of mouth. One of my collegues at work had joined this and lost about 5 kgs in Koramangala Body care center. I decided to join the center opposite to the Madhavan park since it is closer to my home. There are lot of things they dont tell you when you enroll:
- They guarantee 20 kgs loss but they dont mention what it really means.Example: Let us say I am at 80 kgs today and start the session with them. Say in one month inspite of following their instructions about diet and stuff if I have gained say 0.5 kgs and I am now 80.5 kgs. They will not continue their session unless you lose 0.5 kgs yourself. 2. The facility is not so very clean.
The restrooms need better sanitation.3. The nutrition person is very average or below average. For her everything you eat is fat. 4. The staff can be encouraging the people who have joined. Instead, all you will hear is criticism which is highly de-motivating.I would strongly recommend looking at alternate places which may be better than this facility.