Dear Prospective VLCC victim,
Please read this before you make up your mind to go to VLCC.
Recently I went to the VLCC Centre in Adyar, Chennai. Fair enough, it is indeed located in a fancy locality where everything is over-priced and overrated. But I was clearly in for a shock!
I went there to get a Laser Hair Removal treatment. I wanted the treatment to be localized to the top area of my shoulders. After waiting for a few minutes(they are indeed attentive), abeautician with some heavy make-up took me inside a consulting room and started asking me question on what I wanted. I told her about my needs. I told her that I wanted only my shoulders treated. Their brochure said that the cost of hair for the entire back is Rs. 12, 000(yes, it is atrocious!). The lady, without even asking me to remove my shirt to look at my shoulders, did some random hyper-geometric mathematics and came out with a wonderful output of Rs. 8, 000 for my shoulders. So basically for covering an area not even 15% of the whole back, she wanted to charge 66% of the whole charge! When I asked her how this calculation worked, she gave me some random static about hair density and shot calculation as if it was the same as inventing nuclear fusion.
Anyhow, I came out thoroughly disgusted by the place and how they dare to cheat people so openly in the name of so-calledclass. Pretty much I would be paying for the English lessons the lady took and her make-up, had I undergone the treatment there. This deadly combination of snootiness, make-up and English has become a tool for extortion in India nowadays.
Please be careful.
PS: What did I do? I found another affordable Skin Care Centre not too far from VLCC which did the job in a very professional manner for Rs. 2, 500.