I am Priyanka and I took a 5 session Novacid sitting from VLCC. The Jaipur centre manager - Shalini had initially promised that it will smoothen my skin, remove pigmentation, bringing back lusture and also get my acne problems under control. I told her that I do not have acne anymore and I only want to get treated on open pores and existing acne scars. She convinced me that Novacid treatement took care of all those and I would start seeing results after first sitting only.
It was pure fraud. After 1st sitting when I complained of almost no result, she told me that she never promised about any acne scars and I would have to take a different treatment for them. Other than that, she said that only 1 sitting won’t help and I should take all 5 and then see. She also coaxed me to buy VLCC products for better results. I did everything as asked and yet there are no results. Infact, during the treatment, my earlier acne problem emerged back and I had to visit a skin doctor to control it. I am still fighting the scars left and the pathetic centre manger could not even offer me anything for scar removal.
However, when after 5 sittings there was no result, the centre manager agreed with me and her staff accepted all the facts. But they did not agree on giving me my money back or atleast removing the new scars formed from their treatment. I need to take them to consumer court. Can anybody help me. I want my money back.