VLCCs Foiled attempt to exploit mouthshut.com (It could even be their PR manager IPAN)
VLCC SHAPING YOUR CONFIDENCE By : gaurav_self(https://mouthshut.com/review/V_L_C_C-81453-1-rating-2.html) was a blatant attemp by VLCC to exploit the users of mouthshut.com. This post is direct copy from https://ipan.com/clients/vlcc/cpvlcc.htm (it is mentioned in the post too!!)
visarg another member did some research and found something fishy about this post and the poster gaurav_self.
I am quoting him below:-
don’t know but something seems fishy about your profile and trust list...all the members who trust you have joined today in the afternoon, all are from delhi and none of them has written a review yet....:-).everyone has written Delhi as delhi too.
I have crossed checked it and it is true none of the other members have made any posts and the other posts byt gaurav_self was just a hogwash. They were also copied from various sources listed below just to increase his credibility.
NO ENTRY IS A COMIC TALE - https://indiaglitz.com/channels/hindi/preview/7426.html
Nokia 7280. Live pictures(he hasnt bother to remove livepictures from the heading the original post actually contained live pictures of the handset) - https://mobile-review.com/review/nokia-7280-en.shtml
New flood warnings as heavy rains(this is an AFP article and is on many newspapers I have just given one link)
I have posted this to just show that if VLCC has to resort to these tacticts you can as well imagine what kind of an institution they are. This denotes one thing; VLCC who is SHAPING YOUR CONFIDENCE dont have confidence in thier own program. Otherwise why do you think they should resort to these cheap tactics to promote their exhorbitantly priced programmes.
I have visited VLCC but did not join as I have already done a lot of research in weight loss ;-). I practically went crazy searching for the right way and most of all the fastest way to lose weight.
VLCC used a 4 way approach of which I remember only the first two methods clearly. The other two methods are addons and are optional. This was told to me by the counsellor herself.
The first method they use a tense machine to stimulate your muscles which in turn will help you lose weight. Theorically this method strengthens your muscles and even growth will take place. More muscles means higher metobolism rate which lead to burning more fat even while you are sitting down. This method is basically used to revive dormant muscles which have been immobile, in the case of fractures and sprains by physiotherapists. Infact bruce lee used to use this tense machine to substitute his workouts later in life. But the downside is that just stimulating one muscle rather than the whole body can create an imbalance and morever a warmup is neccesary.
I have consulted various doctors and physoitherapist about the use of the tense machine on the abdomen areas. Everyone has prohibited the use of it on the stomach areas as that may lead to spasms and may affect normal digestion process.
The other method is using an anti-cellulite cream. Now havent we heard a truckload of those magical creams on all the TV shopping networks. These ppl actually massage you with this imported cream.
Now the main aspect is the cost. To lose 10 kgs in three months you have to shell out 40000/- Rs And they guarantee somewhat evasively she told me that if I dont lose weight I will get my money back.
To top it all the couseller herself needed to go through one of the VLCC programmes. I believe that VLCC should atleast give the staff the programme free so that they look fit which in turn will project a good image. But look at it this way maybe the programme doesnt work at all so that is why they dont bother giving it.
That is how I look at it. If your barber doest have a good hairstyle then find another barber.
The counseller later followed up on me and when I told I dont think your methods will work she immideatly asked if it was too costly and if I couldnt afford it. That is another way of marketing. I told her yes I cannot afford it. 40000 bucks I can put up a small multigym in my home and this is only 3 months and 10 kg programme I needed to loose atleast 30 kgs which would mean 120000rs I could build a swimming pool in my house it self.
Well now I have started walking and going to the gym restrict diet to veg. I am doing fine I have made a long term plan. I think it is better than spending 40000rs(i.e if it really works!!)
I wouldnt recommend VLCC as I think it might end up working on some ppl but anyhow it isnt safe and it is just too costly it is not the right and to top it you dont actually workout there is not excercise there so I am sure you would put the fat back on as fast as yiou lost it.