I am a trained fashion designer and work with one of Mumbai’s leading outlets in a posh mall. My daily routine at work includes meeting clients, who are mostly women from the high society of Mumbai. My skin is very oily, and I have had acne since my teenage. In fact, I am the only one in the family who has this terrible skin, my mother and younger sister have a beautiful skin. This has always made me feel so frustrated and sad. I am very emotional about the issue and extremely conscious of my acne on my face. My self esteem has really gone low because of this. In fact, this hampers my professional life, as I am not able to interact with confidence with my clients. I often wonder what they are thinking about my face.
I keep my hair on the cheeks all the time, so that they cover the acne marks left on my face. Every time fresh acne comes out, I squeeze it out, although I know it’s not the right thing to do, but I cannot accept it on my face.
I joined VLCC in May, 2009 and find that it has reduced the occurrence of acne substantially. I am sure as the active acne are stopping, the marks too will fade away with time. I especially love the way they work and help customers and support them to uplift the confidence, they has made my skin so smooth, I love the texture of my skin...Overall, my skin has shown considerable improvement, and my colleagues say that I look happier and confident than before. Thank you VLCC!
I wish I could have got the vouchers at the reduced price from VLCC it would have helped me save few money too and made me look more beautiful