If you have normal to oily skin and wish to have natural extracts of Melia, Cucumber and aloe vera cleaning your skin, you must try this product. It is a gentle face wash which can be used daily. Doesnt dry up your skin and gives a nice shiny glow to the skin.
It helps in purifying skin and reduces excessive secretion of sebum from skin. If you have pimple problem, it will help in controlling that too as it will clear all the dust which causes such problems.
Not recommended to dry skin as it can cause dryness.I have been using this face wash and is very light on skin. It does not have any particles for scrubbing action though, but surely it gives a fresh look to kin. It comes in 80 ml pack costing about Rs.135/-.
You can get it at any cosmetic store. You can follow VLCC lavang moisturizer after using this face wash to get a better feel.