I booked laser hair treatment from VLCC Aundh( Pune) Branch, I was dealing with Mrs. Deepika.
I was told you will get 6 sessions, 3 sessions I took from Pune Branch then I shifted in Bangalore.
I requested like hell to transfer my package to Bangalore Even I begged them like beggar then after many calls I got
number of Mrs( Gunja) Branch Manager, From the center I was told she is the only person who can help and she never answers the call
I called Mrs. Deepika sometime she did not answer because I was out of the city I cant reach them so they were careless about my treatment.
when she answered she told, Mrs. Gunja will contact you I will ask her but I never got a call, I tried many times customer support many times
they also hang up my call, I was frustrated and I dont had any option also so keep calling was the only option
After 2 months of practicing my package got transferred.
I took 2 sessions in Bangalore when I asked for 3rd appointment they said you have 5 sessions only I was shocked, then I called Mrs. Gunja
( Branch Manager / Supervisor) not look at the way of her talking because I was not a new profitable customer anymore I was an old customer
Me - Mam they are saying you 5 sessions only to 3 on Pune 2 here all 5 completed
She - So You had 5 sessions only, we can give you 1 complimentary here only not there for that you have to come to Pune only.
Me - but it was not told to me
She - Himanshu dont argue with me check the website check the prices there and hang up the call and then now answered( he knew what I can do)
She took advantage of a website that goes and checks the price on the website we have given you more than mention price.
But I said you have not given me what we have discussed and what I have booked till yet have not contacted them.
And now after this unsuccessful treatment, I am very unhappy with VLCC team, I want mam Vandana to let know that her business may be smooth but some customers are getting
treated like nothing they are nothing to the organization and they know it wont affect them at all.
Apart from my complaint with heavy heart, I am telling that whatever money I have paid for my treatment its just a loss to me
I have not got any profit of treatment done yet, even now I have had at the place where I never had before treatment.
some will say 6 sessions are enough some will say boys need 8 sessions some will say 10 - 12 sessions they never delivered my correct and same information.
I know its business but customer service is first in every industry nowadays.
I am very sad because I am still paying the loan for my treatment and no result I have got.
Its like you have paid for an original product and you have got Chinese products and there no one to hear complaints and no service and no feedback.