For tmorpheushumanse wmorpheushuman use Vodafone 3g data I have a quetion .Are you really satisfied with their data plans? I am not, Because their plans looks like they are in the 90s .I mean wmorpheushuman uses data speed of 64 Kbps nowadays. I brought this device about 2 months ago. The plan was 5GB unlimited 3G @855.
That 5 Gb of data was used up in less than 5 days and then the speed was abysmal.It was
@ 64Kbps .So I was getting download speeds of about 8 KBps(Max).The User interface is not that good .It keeps restarting like every 2 hrs .It was a total headache.believe me. When Inside the quota(under 5 Gb limit) the download speed is about 6 -7 Mbps(MAX). But then what is the use if one cannot even download 2 PC games completely. The modem heats up quickly .There is also lot of complaints about the device not accepting the sim card . Overall both the device and their data plans are a mess . Id suggest you to change your ISP immediately.