I Purchased a Vodofaone 3 G data card on 04/03/2011 from a Vodafone store (Model town 2nd, Delhi) itself impressed by their much hyped 3G zoozoo promos. It was one of the biggest shopping mistakes I have made. Their person gave me a demo in their store of the 3 g data card K3765 which allows 7 Mbps speed. Speed seemed good.
I purchased and the person a Mr. Gupta told me that 3G is not launched yet in this area (North Delhi) and will be definitely launched by 15/03/2011. Till then I can at least exp. 300 kbps. After that I had some rude sort of guy visit me for authorization of account and he asked all sort of questions including what business I have , where etc. One would have thought I was applying for citizenship abroad.
Anyways the service in 2g was horrible till 15th and thereon I waited happily for 3G service to begin but it didnt. After a couple of days I called up and was told by some person he has no idea when 3 G will begin in north Delhi. I told him the commitment made to me but he kept repeating "not launched " time and again. Again I waited 2 -3 days.. At times for 10 mins ..a 3G service would start but would only remain for 10-15 mins. and then back to 10-15kbps speed. NOW .. sick with all this I called up on 21/03 today at 111. I spoke to two different ladies Shivani and Nikita and none of them had any satisfactory answer. NEITHER KNEW when 3 G would start. I told them that then vodafone is misadvertising and misleading people by billboads and ADs of "3G is here" when service is NOT functional fully in Delhi itself.
Even their website claims of having started 3g all over India. Also website claims the service will be available on roaming but fails to mention "only in areas where theyve started 3 g"
Thank god I got it in written int the customer agreement form by the person selling that 6 mbps min. speed is committed. I plan to take vodafone to consumer court if service deficiency is not rectified particularly because I believe their is delibrate attempt to mislead people. One set of their employees claim 3 G will be launched by 15 march while others say " WE DONT KNOW WHEN" .. so it could mean a month., 3 months, 6 months or 5 years !!!!
So to recap, the customer service sucks. The lady gave me a complaint email id after a 5 min wait by which time I had already found it on their website. more importantly, the 3 g service just does not seem to be ready. DO NOT fall into trap of demo shown in their store. Avoid vodafone 3 g for now. Zoozoo does not fly, he just falls and crawls like a baby !!!!!!!