They send me SMS saying callertune activated... I am not even aware what song they will add...... upon calling their customer care ..they say .we received request from your mobile and it will be activated in 4 hours......I m asking them to deactivate this rubbish stuff.he says u can send sms and deactivate the service.... but we will charge for the same. what a way of earning money.Year back ....same thing happened and they said. u shd have called us then and there ..we would have helped u. Bullshit. VOdafone is not happy to help......rather happy to earn ( wht ever way the can)
They give you bloody email -ids( nodals). tht you write to them these nodal ids ppl. will write to you sayin we cald u up.... 100 times but u dint answer they will sit on case and later on will close it.This is happening every alternate month with me... they will sell some new plan .without giving you complete information....willl charge for various services & say .oh u need to deactivate ...else we will keep charging you........... they changed my plan from normal to std plan..still continued to charge me monthly 49 rs for reducing STD charges....... It was few days. I tht .I shd pay this 492=98 rs. they have come up with new rubbish of caller tune.
Y dont Vodafone understand it is not a matter of 30, 50 or 100 rupees.. its abt hw much do u irritate your customers......... would like to add. I m facing thsi f *kin problem since I changed it to post-paid......... was happy to be a pre-paid member.
And the best was customer care executive named (Inderjeet) disconnected my to help....have no patience to hear their customer..... wht the hell they will help.