I have been a vodafone postpaid customer since late 2005. I was rather stuck with the service becoz of u know what - retaining my number.
I noticed for a long time that my bills never reflected usage and the customer service would never agree and there was no way for me to prove otherwise(i used my phones facility to track usage). I heard later that this is common practice with Vodafone & BPL(now Loop).
So of course I wanted to switch as soon as MNP became available. But Vodafone called me and gave me a counter offer to lower my bills and said it would be active in 72 hours. They didnt activate it. Then a week later I get a call saying I have to sign a document and then it will be active.
While signing the document(stating I cancel the porting request) I asked them to mention the offer made to retain me. They said no mam it will be done next day directly. Then the next day I get a call saying the offer is not valid. They gave me another dust-in-the-eyes kind of bull*$%# offer that actually would increase my bill amount per month.
We were wild and threatened to file a complaint of cheating becoz they fraudulently took our signature(it is a legal fraud when a signature is taken with promise of A but B is delivered). They then pacified us and said ok we will give you the offer made first and also a credit of Rs. 500.
I called the call center to double check this. GUESS WHAT?!? I now have been shifted to a plan that is going to increase my bill amount(only 1 thing of the 4 things offered were given in a way that the rest of the rates were tripled). And to top that there was no record of the Rs. 500 credit we were offered.
Needless to say I will just send a mail to the higher authorities there and move to what I hope is an operator with more integrity - Tata Docomo.
So of course you know my advice. Dont shift to Vodafone.