When I ring up a Vodafone mobile and the person is not reachable, I get a pre-recorded message saying that the person is not available and that I should try later.
The tone of the voice of this recording is as though she is bringing you some wonderful news. And the way she says “Please Try Later” would be more suitable for a phrase like “Throw him in the gutter.” It would also have suited the Russian lady who when reported of the people starving due to lack of bread, said, “Let them eat cake.”
This is quite irritating as you are already slightly annoyed at not getting the number.
In the interest of their brand, I suggest Vodafone looks into this. NOW. NOT LATER.
And this sentence is to make up one hundred and fifty words which every review on mouthsut should mandatorily contain. Ok?(150, exactly) Also the ratings I have given on various parameters are fictional as mouthshut is not allowing me to proceed without giving them.