I would like to mention about poor service at Vodafone store at South Ex. I had great expectations from Vodafone, unfortunately services are not upto the mark at stores. I had to request to port in to Vodafone for my mobile no 9871354455. I generated a UPC Code DD 357783 on 30 Apr 2012 and submitted application with all necessary documents. CAF No D 83374748 was filled by me a SIM card handed over to me on 30 Apr 2012. They were always mentioning old reply.
I went on 7 May to check status, as MNP was not effected, I was informed it takes 7 working days which ends on 10 May, I went on 11 May, I was requested to wait for few days. On 15 May I was told that they dont have info about the present MNP request.
I called up customer care on 98110 98110 but I was informed that Vodafone store where I submitted application has not forwarded any application to the processing center.
I sent mail to vodafonecare.del@vodafone.com and Corporatecare.Del@vodafone.com, No response. I was surprised to see the way Vodafone handles its customers. In this regard I feel Aircel is far better. I was under impression is Vodafone customer care is a gold standard, but had to stand corrected.
All that glitters is not gold.
Vijay Kumar Reddy