I am a Vodafone blackberry user and generally pay thru their website. Few months back, they went in for a so-called "site upgrade". What really happened was that they took a good site and screwed it thinking that by making it more colourful and complex, they are making it better.
What we really need is a site which is easy and where we can do what we can to the site to do or know. In this case, logging into your account is such a pain. It was ok before but now, every time you try, you get no where. Of course, other pages work fine and the blackberry boys ad plays happily on the front landing page but you cant be happy as you cant log in!
The password system is worse than banks. Absolutely terrible for a mobile service provider.
Signal quality aint that great either.
All in all. service is ok. But website sucks big time. No point putting great ads if basics are forgotten.