Hi Vodafone!
Recently I got to know that my phone no. 9716030101 plan was changed in august and I was never informed and or asked, if I want to change the plan or not.
When I called the Super rude and super pathetic customer service, I was just not provided any solution. I called the nodal desk also but same bad experience.
I also got to know that vodafone recently merged with another super duper pathetic company called IDEA CELLULAR and now understood you were a shitty company before but now worse than that since there has been a great merger with a super cheap company. Poor customer service, Fraud billing, Rude People is the trend these days.
How long you think you will live in the market?
Well, I will port out first. I don’t want IDEA at all and vodafone is not good anyways. You have started stealing money now.
You better call me.
9716030101, 9899777754