My wife is using Vodafone number from Mumbai in Pune. Initially she got a whooping bill of around Rs. 4500/-. Because she makes ISD call, we ignored. But after paying when I examined the bill, it came to my notice that it is roaming charges that have bloated up the bill amount.
Ive been using Airtel number from Mumbai since more than 5 years now and never faced the issue of roaming charges. By default they have "Roam like home" service activated within Mumbai and Maharashtra & Goa circle, by which youll not be charged for roaming. Why cant Vodafone do it by default? They just want to fleece the customer who are ignorant. They are big time thief. Vodafone user I request you to examine your respective bill regularly.
Anyway, even after repeated request to activate "Roam like home", they are slapping roaming charges.
Vodafone "customer care" is just for the namesake. Their customer care dont even care a bit about their customers. The Vodafone customer care is pathetic and sucks big time.
Ive switched to Airtel services and they are the best at least in Mumbai and Maharashtra & Goa circle.