This message is meant to educate people - never ever get your Bills cleared by ECS. You may feel its convenient and not worry about payment due date etc.but when you actually disconnect your phone for any reason.. Vodafone continues to keep you on their records and sends bill even months after disconnection of the phone line. The money gets deducted bcos you had authorized for ECS clearing.
I had my phone surrendered 2 months back and even now, Vodafone is generating bills for me and the payment is going thro my bank account. Is someone from Vodafone KAR reading this? I have been emailing them almost every 2 days and yet no one has ever got back to me. I am putting this on Mouthshut for now and even after this if they DO NOT respond, I will report this to TRAI for their service.
See below the transcript of my earlier emails to them.
From: Gerald
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: Surrendering Mobile no 98866 76805
This is the 3rd time I am sending emails to you and there is NO response from your end. But Iam getting bills month after month and getting deducted from my Bank account, because of the ECS clearing.
I have asked you to disconnect my phone / Block SIM as Iam no longer in India and wont be needing this number any longer. DO NOT Generate any more bills as Iam not using Vodafone
If I still continue to get bills and money deducted from my account, I will have to report this to Consumer Forum and TRAI,
I want someone senior in the Customer service to respond back to this email.
From: Gerald Victor John
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: Surrendering Mobile no 98866 76805
I have NOT received any response to this email. I have as per my communication to you - no longer using the SIM / number. It is upto you to delete my number for your records and process the final payment
I will not communicate further on this anymore.
Gerald Victor
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Victor John
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 10:17 AM
Subject: Surrendering Mobile no 98866 76805
I would like to surrender / Terminate my Vodafone mobile connection effective today 19th May 2010.
I have moved out of Bangalore and will NOT require this mobile any longer. Please accept my request and process for final payment if any.