So my mother had been using the Vodafone network right from the beginning, when it was hutch in the early 2000s. She never complained about anything and neither did I feel anything wrong or insufficient about their services until a day came when the Vodafone customer service team started calling their prepaid customers ( seems like they took an oath to convert all the prepaid customers to postpaid) and my mum changed to postpaid. Then began the actual problem. The service changed completely. Package would change even without notice. Theyd just claim that the customer said so, no records or anything and do everything from their own side. As my mother was annoyed by the service we decided to go back to prepaid. The customer care office person would say that we have started the next month bill already so will have to wait till the month end and pay the bill and then convert. This carried out for almost 3 months and then finally one day on calling the customer care they said that postpaid cannot be turned back to prepaid. Ever.: ( That was heartbreaking but nothing could have been done about it. So my mother Ported her network to airtel.