Vodafone is perhaps the most expensive and bllod-sucking mobile phone operator in the market. Reasons are as follows:
1) Its advertisements are really attractive. More that Shahrukh or Sharmans Airtel ads, Abhisheks Idea ads or Reliance ads. Worse part- people fall for these advertisements. Theres nothing unnatural about it.
2) Their SIM cards are really expensive. I bought one for Rs. 150 in one part of Mumbai, my friend brought the same for Rs. 50 from another part.
3) Their plans are really expensive. Think about it, theyportrayas if they have a plan for every budget. But on comparing the same with other operators, its really expensive.
4) They have some strange rule that a customer cannot activate more than two schemes on one number. So if u have a 1 paisa voucher and an sms pack, forget about activating internet or anything like that.
5) They wont ever reject the documents when youre buying the sim. This way the sim is sold and you get top-up and message balance done. Whoooooosh! Its almost always deactivated in a couple of days!Now my story. Im an outstation customer from Bhopal and was in Mumbai for a month. I went to a store to buy the Voda sim on the first day itself. Though I paid Rs. 150 and got just Rs.50 bal, I still thought it might be worth it. All the documents asked for were duly submitted. Needless to say, my no. was deactivated in a couple of days, citing the reason that my photo was submitted in duplicate. RIDICULOUS. Why would a person submit his photo in duplicate.
And this started my endless journeys to Vodafone store. And to different parts of Mumbai for getting the documents of my localites. Genuine documents. Now their ridiculous claims and problems:
1) First trip- Documents not accepted because the local persons reference was not proper. Guys, were you sleeping when I first took the sim.
2) Second trip- Documents cant be accepted because the copy of my localites licence does not show his signature properly! The number can be reinstated for day or two. But alas, that was not done. Worse, my incoming was also deactivated the other day.
3) Third trip- Documents cant be accepted because my signature on my licence and on my application are very very marginally different with a line going in some other direction, the direction in which it did not go in my licence. Humorous.
And here I am.My last trip just ended a few mins back. and I could not stop myself from writing this long review. But customers need to be warned of what they might(please read as "WILL") face.
Hail Vodafone. . Long Live Zoozoos!