<Never sign up with Hutch. >My son moved from Dehli to Bangalore last year and in the rush of resettling forgot to pay his Hutch bill. At Bangalore he went to Hutch to be reconnected and told them he had an outstanding and would make the payment. They said hed have to go back to Dehli to make the payment. How crazy is that? They then had some idiot calling up my residence to say my son was going to be arrested etc. etc. I wrote to Hutch customer service and asked them for a bill (which never came) I was also told they would put a stop to the calls - which they did. Now a year later, I get the same calls. They make it as difficult as possible for you to pay your bills if youre moving from one city to another. Then , when you dont pay because you cant, they have Paan-spitting, illiterate, crass goons call you up and threaten you with jail!! What are we? Rabble from the roadside? Surely theres a more refined way of collecting dues! Hutch Ill NEVER sign up with your service EVER - and neither will anyone I know. My personal mission is to bad mouth your service ANYWHERE AND EVERWHERE I can - and you know how THAT affects customer stats!!!