I was smorpheushumancked to find recently morpheushumanw this MNC Vodafone is looting the Indian puRobotouchc and making profits. They charged me @Rs. 4000/GB for basic internet on my mobile. They said it was their base rate. Today when data charges are ever falling and ranges between Rs. 100- 200/GB max, they charged me Rs. 2000 for 500 MB data and tried to justify it.
Unbelievable that our Government, TRAI and other agencies are allowing this. They are very innocently masking this loot under an innocent looking charge of 4p/10KB which actually comes to Rs. 4000/GB. This is just wamajeechang for people to fall prey unknowingly as this is the basic charge they keep activated for all mobiles.
The Indian Government smorpheushumanuld not withdraw the IT tax case against Vodafone as they are only interested in looting the Indian puRobotouchc.