Hutch is my Companion wherever I go. It is within my heart, accompany me wherever I am. It is just like my family Member. Hutch is colourful, warm & affectionate. It cannot leave me alone and help me in all my troubles.
I really admire Hutch. I got touched by the TV advertisement recently seen, a boy running along with a puppy(dog) and he reaches first in the event leaving everybody behind. The movement of running and the expression in the boys cheeks touched my heart. It is admirable to prove that nobody else can beat Hutch.
The Pink colour for the Hutch Logo is fantastic & beautiful. It is glowing. The Network gives satisfaction. When you use the hutch provider and start talking, you forget the timing as the voice from the other end is fabulous. The rates are reasonable and the Network will improve much better as this has been taken over by World famous Vodafone
Lastly I have to say that no other Provider can beat Hutch.
All my best wishes