Using post paid for past six month and dissatisfied from day one. No other option but to live with the problem as it is a company’s corporate plan which comes with some bindings by so called superiors.
So why I hate Hutch - especially more so of late after the loyalty they portray in their advertisement and never live up to it albeit the horror of dogs with respect to poor signal, voice cracking, regular service disruption and et al follows us without fail indeed.
There’s a limit to mint money by overrunning the subscriber base that can be handled by cellular equipment / instrument, which they are doing without fail.
The signals full and the voice lull, ring customer service and ding goes the call and no matter what, you shall get your bill and cell cut without fail irrespective of service provision.
Seeing the service of this I have changed my personal cellular service provider to Airtel which is comparatively leagues ahead on all runs, though to each his own and one mans food is other mans poison!! This is my personal review after extensive usage of both the GSMs while others may differ.