Simple story, I paid the bill much before due date and even recieved SMS which says thank you for bill payment, after that I started to recieve SMS saying pay before this date for continued service, your credit limit has exceeded, 12 SMS per hour continously through out the day, before paying bill I was recieving one or two in a day, I hope it is better not to pay bill. Forget about SMS, every 10 minutes they started play recorded voice to pay the bill immediately for continued service, Vodafone must have one common sense for paying them bill we have to earn and for that we have to work. But they want us to listen to there recorded voice through out the day. All these add ons after you pay the bill.
I was able to reach customer care person only in the night as they are very much busy during day time, and asked him to note my complaint regarding how vodafone is harrasing the customers and finally to brand indians as " DIRTY CUSTOMERS". Yes I had very good service from Hutch, and that is carrying most of us to continue with vodafone.
I am just waiting when this number portability will be brought, I wil just migrate to BSNL.
If story ends here; that will be good, never ever raise your voice when a vodafone person call you, result will be immediate disconnect, later reactivation fee, that penalty, this penalty, wrong billing - shutup and pay the bill.
Happy to Use the Service of Vodafone.