Two Years Back I was using Vodafone and Tata Docomo as was having Dual Sim Phone But Here I am sharing my experience with Vodafone Network. although vodafone is one of the Largest Cellular Network Provider Company in india, its Charges are very High. There Call Charges, tariffs, Data, SMS Chrages everything is high, I know that there Netwrok is strong but They are Charging too much. Now They Have change their plan like 1 GB 2G data was available at 155 Rs but Now it is increase to 175 Rs with validity of only 28 days. Their 3G is available at 297 Rs Which was available earlier at 251 Rs. Sometimes They also deduct balance without any Reason and customer care is also not Supportive. Also There are less Offers available for Full Talktime and if you want to reduce your charges from 1Rs to in some Paisa Then You Have to Do some Special Recharge which reduce your local or std charges for 28 days. So This Network is Only for rich people if you want to be part of this Network then be Ready for Spending Some Extra Money.