I was having a date with Jennifer anniston and comforting her when my phone rang and I got up from sleep. My friend screamed- Hutch to Hutch calls free, family and friends offer, go checkout, hutch postpaid. I felt guilty for seeing jennifer anniston in my dream rather than my girlfriend and I thought the reason must be my pre paid hutch connection which restricts my calls to my girl friend becoz its costly. So I went to the hutch shop to get my number converted to postpaid in the talk 99 plan of hutch postpaid. I was greeted by a pretty girl who told me about the offer. The offer was cool as it promised me that I could make unlimited free calls to one hutch number. The bill that I would get would a min of 200 + the bill that generates depending on the calls I make. I got the sim and believe me I used it like hell. We talked for nearly six hours straight and another three in the night. Guys u must be wondering what a freak I am. The next morning I got up and called hutch care to check my bill just in case. I was shocked. My bill was 540/-. I told them tats impossible as I have made calls to free number. The girl says promptlySir as of now we have technology limitations and so all call you make are billed and at the end of the month you are given a discount. I said ok thats fine. But a tsunami struck wen I came to know there is some max outstanding balance tat means once your bill reaches 500 u cant call or sms till u clear the bill. I just laughed for a min about the offer tat is so ironical. Guys I will say better dream of jennifer anniston rather than shifting to hutch postpaid. As it has become pink.. Somebody needs to tell them tat tey dont need to change colour --- CHANGE TECHNOLOGY.