Its 7O clock in the evening. Your gal friend is waiting for your call. You then dial her number and again Network busy. Damn !!! Will this problem ever be solved. Every time I call the customer care, they keep telling me, its coz of the congestion and they are adding more towers (Base stations). Everytime, they ask me, in which area of bangalore I am facing this pblm. I then calmly reply, yday, it was in BTM, a day before in Indiranagar, and today in madivala. In some areas, albeit the full network strenth, the voice keeps breaking. This is so annoying, esp when you make an ISD call. Nevertheless, they are cost effective, meaning to say that they are cheaper than AirTel. Also, the services offered by Hutch is better than AirTel. I see only one pblm with the hutch, and that is with the poor network coverage and quality. I hope a day will come when I dont see Network busy on my cell phone....