Hi All, I am quite satisfied with the services of Hutch, but its prizes were bit higher earlier but now its prizes are ok. Because of the Network and Services its preferred more.
The Hutch came more into Lime Light with their Advertisement with a Kid and Pug Dog. The Puppy follows the Kid wherever he goes. Yes after this ad the demand for Pug Dog increased to 60% in the market, they sold at Rs.50-60K per dog initially. Yes even the ad was very good, innovative and nice. Same applied with their services also, their network coverage is also good compared to other Tele services.
But Still there are many areas which can be improved, are good prize schemes for Billing and Non Billing customers, Gift Schemes for Old customer to continue with their services as it already have for new customer, SMS free news services for National/International Critical News and many other quarters can be improved. Well it depends on service provider how and in which area it wants to improve.
Thank you.