Network- network is good, I could get easily the reception of this network even in some rural areas. This network is only for calling purposes not for data.The point its that even I could get full reception of the 4G network of the Vodafone. But my net is not working properly, I mean it is not working only, and somehow it worked then the speed of the data is 10 to 20 Kbps, and with there 4G network Vodafone is claiming that you can get minium speed of 30 to 40Mbps, I am asking where is that speed its gone? How your 4G network works? Are you fooling us? And one real fact about the Vodafone is that they offer you VODAFONE SUPER HOUR PACK, for Rs.16 as they show there ad on banner, but what is the actual reality? Does they provide the same what they offering in that price? And they are saying the unlimited data for 1 hour, does they actually doing this? Is the speed is what they are giving on actual data packs? My answer is no , absolutly no, cause the net is working only on 1 Mbps that is actually 128KBPS nothing more then that.If you want to go for any sim then go for JIO it is the ultimate choice for your all need.