I have been using hutch for quiet some time both in Delhi and Chennai... never had problems with it till recently when my recharge card got wet in the rain and while swiping to reveal the secret code everything (including the secret code) came off... I wanted to know the solution for my problem.
I called the customer service and they asked me to meet up with the Hutch world outlet guys..... I was asked to go from one Hutch world shop to another before some one took responsibility.
The guys who attended me where very hostile and as soon as I finished telling my problem there first response to me was Nothing can be done. I asked for the team leader or manager and they turned down my request saying that they where not available...finally after soo much of persuasion they made a couple of calls and then they took the card from me and told me that they where going out of there way and doing me a favor.... the last statement pissed me off.... why do they have company out? Y do they advertise? when they think they are doing a favor for mankind by serving them... y don?t there competitors do that....
Anyways my problem never got solved... never mind I have shifted to Airtel...